Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Well today was a rough day. 
This week started 60mg/10mg and 10mg day I felt fine, but today 60mg I felt like I was run over. Was sweating uncontrollably, stomach ache, tired, achey and in combination with my soreness from yesterday's workout was not a good combination. 
I emailed my doctor to see if perhaps we can ween down the higher dose days and hoping she will respond soon. 
I don't think my body likes that large of a jump but last week was 15mg/60 so I'm not sure why 5mg would make that much of a difference but drugs are funny. 

I have to say though that I am glad I have my fellow Cidp ladies to lean on during these days when I'm feeling miserable. Had a nice chat earlier today, it's just nice to have someone who understands what I'm going through. I have a lot of love and support surrounding me and I am so grateful for that but sometimes it's hard for people to relate to me. 

We watched the new tonight show tonight and The evolution of hip hop dancing skit was hilarious. I love Jimmy Fallon! I'm very curious to see what Seth Meyers does with late show. 

I'm feeling very tingly at the moment, I took my evening gabapentin. I feel tingly in a strange way. Especially my hands. I noticed that since I cut my nails my finger tips are more sensitive. Is that weird? I feel like it's kinda bizarre, but everything about my body is these days. 

I'm getting nervous about my PT appointment Wednesday. I don't know why but I always get nervous. I'm hoping to get the harness on the first go and beat my times. Last time I believe it was;
2 mins 30
1 min 30
1 min 45 
I can check with Ericka when I get there.
I know Christina said it was over 6 minutes total, but I can't get the numbers to add up! 

Anyhow my goals sometimes are a bit far fetched. My goal is still to be wheelchair free by my birthday. I am not sure if that's going to happen but I'm staying positive. 
I am starting to feel like I can feel my muscles working more in my legs. I know that sounds stupid or maybe it's all In my head. Just know that my Cidp anniversary is coming up in June and I really want some noticeable differences to happen by then. 
June 3, 2013 admitted to hospital and June 5, 2013 was diagnosed 
June 7, 2013 first IVIG 
So hopefully by June 5, 2014 I will be back to more of this version of myself
Let the count down begin

That's 107 days for constant improvement! I think if I can 2 additional laps a week that's 30 more. 
I really have to measure the distance between my rooms so I know how much I'm actually walking! 

So thanks in advance to everyone who have been my constant cheerleaders! 

For as tired as I was all day I was hoping that I would have passed right out. But here it is 3:30am and I'm still awake. 
My stomach is angry something fierce. I was glad to see a ginger beer in my fridge! So I've just slathered on my stretch mark cream and dived into vampire diaries like a teenage girl ha ;) 
Oh Boone from lost with terrible hair! 

Missing my amigas lately and I hope I get to see them all soon <3 

I just want to say that I know this has been a hard journey for all my loved ones involved and it's all a learning experience for me and all of you. Thank you all for your patience and understanding through all of this. I love you so much. 

1 comment:

Anny said...

You are amazing and wonderful... it is hard to stay positive in moments like this and you are doing a great job of that. I get nervous before PT too.... it hurts! Keep up the attitude girlie! I love you...xoxoox
Aunt Anny