Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Monthly update

Well it seems I like to update this only once a month these days. 
That's alright I'm sure you all needed a break from my daily updates anyway. 

I met with my new neuro on July 1.
I was incredibly nervous because based on his picture online he looked old and intimidating. We arrived early as they told us to (but there was far less traffic than anticipated so we were real early) and the waiting room was empty aside from 1 other gentleman. It was around 8:15 and my appointment was at 9.
Slowly but surely people started trickling in to the waiting room. 
Finally at 8:30 the opened the window to check people in.
People went to the window in order cept this one guy was apparently too important to wait his turn. 
Anyhow I filled out my paperwork and paid my copay and sat down and waited.

When I was finally called back by the doctor I was feeling especially anxious. I wasn't sure what he was going to say about the chemo my other doctor suggested. 
He said the way my other doctors office had sent the records over was very confusing and he didn't feel like he had all the information he needed. 
We went over the full story again from the beginning which now most of it all seems a blur. 
He did the exam like they always do and for the first time in forever I had reflexes in my arms! I even said "oh that's new" when it happened haha. My leg reflexes were still non existant. He went through all the motions and told me I was having trouble walking because I didn't know where my feet were. Which is what I was told in the past. He confirmed Cidp. 
He said my motor functions were almost normal again, so most of my issue is sensory. 
He said he didn't want to go with an aggressive treatment like chemo until he found out how much nerve damage I had was permanent. No sense in shocking the body with poison if it's not even going to fix anything. I liked that he wanted to check everything out before just diving right in to that treatment since it was what was recommended by my last neuro. 
He put in for some blood work, PT and an EMG (my favorite). 
I left his office and went down to the 4th floor to have my blood drawn. They took 8 viles which seemed kinda scary but he requested a ton of tests so it made sense . I do miss kaiser and being able to log In and look at my test results though! 

My PT evaluation is scheduled for tomorrow at 4. I'm nervous that I am not going to like them as much as Erica but hopefully I will like them enough to really achieve some great progress! 

EMG is scheduled for Thursday afternoon and while I am not looking forward to being shocked with electricity over and over again, I am looking forward to finding out how much nerve damage I do have. 

As of this week I'm now on 15mg of prednisone every other day. 
I'm hoping that all my steroid bloat will start disappearing soon. 
I did find bio oil at target yesterday on sale. So I'm giving that a try on my fabulous prednisone stretch marks.
However it says to use twice a day for 3 months! So it's guna be awhile before I see a difference.

I started logging my food again Sunday. I am hoping I can get back on track and start losing this extra weight from drugs. 

Wow this update is kind of boring! Hopefully my next one I will have something exciting to blog about. 

That's it for now 

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