Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What goes up must come down

Well today I fell for the first time in a long time. I thought I would work on my blog on the actual computer and give my hands a work out. 
So I was walking back into the room and decided I would back up and get into the computer chair. 
Well the chair moved and I lost my balance and couldn't catch myself and fell forward into a case of water. 

Somehow I lost both my shoes and managed to not fall backwards onto the glass computer desk. Thank goodness! 

I sat on the floor a minute before they tears started welling in my eyes and kept telling myself not to cry since I just did my makeup dammit! But no such luck the water works started and I couldn't shut them off. 
I put my shoes back on and boosted myself into bed and cried until my mom and dad got home so I could ask for an ice pack. 

My dad knows how to cheer me up he told me he falls all the time and his legs work :) 

So now I'm icing my leg in hopes it doesn't bruise too bad 

Sometimes I just get overly confident and feel like I can do stuff that I logically should know I cannot. To make matters worse I decide to try when home alone. That was just plain dumb on my part. 
On the other hand though how will you know if you can't do something unless you try? 
It's hard sometimes to know your limitations and know you have to ask for help. That's the most frustrating part for me. I don't want to have to bother people all the time to help me. I know they don't mind helping but I feel like such a bother.

This disease really takes a hold of your body. Clearly not a good hold tho since I fell lol.
It's one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with and I honestly hope that no one else ever has to deal with something like this! 
I try and find humor in it all because honestly that's a lot easier to handle then crying. I'm hoping once I'm done icing I can stand back up and see how my legs are feeling. 

I was having a pretty good day before this. I woke up and applied heat to my knees like the PT suggested. She seemed to think that would help with my knee stiffness. It did seem to work for the most part. The weather change is really doing a number on these old joints.
I actually got dressed and did my makeup felt like a "normal" version of myself instead of ultra bum 
Well I won't let this break my spirit or good mood. I am having dinner tonight with my best friend and this is nothing a margarita (or two) can't fix! I know we will have some good laughs and they say laughter is the best medicine! 


1 comment:

Ally said...

((hug)) All us CIDPers have fallen at some point. I remember once my walker was going faster than me and I fell, knees first on the hardwood. Bruised both knees badly. There was nothing nearby that I could grab to try and pull myself up. I just sat there on the floor and cried for awhile. Finally I scooted on my butt all the way over to the sofa and pulled a cushion down. Using that somehow I was able to pull myself up onto the couch. It was awful and I was exhausted.