Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday err Tuesday update

I have been trying to keep up with this at least once a week but I find myself running out of things that I find interesting to talk about. Mostly because lately I don't really care to talk about myself anymore. I am tired of explaining to people what has been going on and now I'm feeling. 

Mostly I've been feeling alright with a few bad days but that's bound to happen. I learned that bloody Mary's give me migraines and being around children gives me germs! Been having a terrible last few days with this cold. Thank goodness my mom had medicine to give me and soup to make me. There's really nothing better than having your mom to take care of you while your sick. I feel like a giant baby when I don't feel well on top of everything else I have going on.

I have to admit since I've been home there's been some weird occurances going on. A text from an idiot I havent spoken to in like a decade, an email from an old friend and game request from someone who hasn't spoken to me in years. It's like they all knew I was here somehow. Also it's super awkward being in a wheel chair in a situation you find awkward because there's not really any way for you to just get away. 
It made me miss just being able to walk away! Such a simple thing that I'm sure you all take for granted, I know I sure did. 

I've really been enjoying my Tuesday night dates with my besties. Definitely a highlight of my week. I love catching up with them and especially my boo Ethan who apparently I am no longer allowed to call boo haha. He was cracking me up since he doesn't seem to think I've known his mom that long.
"Do you know my grandma?" "What's her name?" "My grandpa?" "My dad?" Haha he was convinced he was going to trip me up on one of their names. 
He was so into the magician at Ram's horn though so I think we are going back there tomorrow since the magic man seems to make him happy. Even if we all think he's a total carnie creep he does know how to make a good ballon animal. 

Have had some fun adventures with my MT as well! So far my favorite being our trip to target where I tried to get her to try on children's sweat pants over her jeans to see if they fit lol. I also told her that if I bought men sweats I would tuck them into my bra so they weren't too long haha. See not being able to feel my feet I need to be able to see them to make sure I am walking properly and long ass pants that I can trip on are no good! And all the vain ass women don't wear sweats with the elastic bottoms anymore they only have those $7 gems in men sizes where the crotch comes down to my kneecaps. Lol 
So basically everything we went to target for was a bust but I did laugh a lot while I was there and that's the most important part! 

Speaking of laughs Michea, Kattee and I had quite a few good ones while enjoying our buddy's pizza the other day as well.
I hadn't seen Michea since like Jr high days so it was definitely hilarious to catch up and share a few laughs. Conquering the trips to the bathroom big kudos to Kattee for that! We hit a few walls (literally) but mostly it was like a well oiled machine haha 
FBVA ladies FBVA

Also had an amazing time the other night with family especially my brother and coco! Then bird joined in with some hilarious stories of his own and I laughed really hard. "You know who else perfumes their vagina?" "Strippers!" 

On a serious note I inquired with my doctor today as to where the back order of my prescription was and apparently it's still on back order so they are sending  me another partial. I don't get why if it's special order they didn't order it when I picked up the first partial before I left Cali.
My PT called today to follow up on my progress so I wrote her an email update after I did all my exercises. The standing exercises are still my least favorite I don't like to stand barefoot :( supposedly it's helping with my sensory in my feet doing so but it makes me nervous! 
Jeff has been trying to keep me on my toes about leading with my right foot. It's so hard to break a habit once you have started it! Currently my Frankenstein walk always starts with my left leg not sure how it started but it's hard to change it up now! That being said I ordered a second pair of lined crocs in black. That way they will go with all my leggings. And since I pretty much have been living in crocs since I got here a second pair sounded like a good idea. Although now with the snow perhaps not! I have to admit I am a little nervous about my walker in the snow so I'm hoping it clears up before tomorrow because I'm not quite ready for snow. 

I am thinking this may conclude my weekly update. Hope everyone is well <3

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so glad you keep us posted on here I really do enjoy reading your blog. I can't even imagine being in your shoes and envy your courage so much! You are so right we do take for granted a lot of things in our everyday lives. You are one tough lady and such a beautiful human being. Miss you and your bro.