Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekly update

So I've kinda been slacking in updating the online blog. 
Been doing a lot of old school journaling lately as it's stuff I am really not ready to admit to the world. Which says a lot cuz I'm a pretty open person. 

Anyhow this week has been kinda lazy for me. I did something to my rib area on Wednesday between coughing and/it exercising and it's been painful since. 
It's driving me crazy but I really have no patience when it comes to these things! Really fucking up my week.
Speaking of which let's touch base on the new steroid dosage of 50mg/mg every other day. 
50mg day feel ok just sweaty and can't seem to sleep before 2am
5mg day feel good maybe great even? But so very tired. My body just wants to shut down. Usually 2nd week of new dose is better but then I'm starting to get worried about dropping to 0mg. Luckily I have an appointment with my neuro that week so if it's no good maybe we can figure out a better solution.

This week I started writing letters to my friends who will now be my new pen pals! Writing really helps make the muscles in my hand work together. Granted the writing isn't exactly beautiful but I'm working on it! 

New selfie from the other day. It's hard to keep my balance and take a photo still! I cannot wait until I have better balance and I'm not always paranoid about falling. 
Here's a better picture
I feel like I look so strange in this picture but I don't really know what I look like while using my walker SO now I know. 
I think besides my steroid face I look pretty good considering! I just need to start looking into some different crocs for summer. These are like slippers inside and are not going to be good for the humid weather. 

I did my pills on Friday night and I guess I didn't realize how overwhelming this actually looks until I took a photo
I'm sure there are people that have it worse but I only ever used to take birth control and vitamin D for my deficiency. So going from 2 pills to a handful is a bit much. I try to keep it organized.

Today I woke up around 11 after passing out at about midnight. That's a lot of sleep but I woke up still feeling exhausted. 
It's been a pretty boring day. I did my makeup and found a bow which I thought was both haggard and adorable but the best friend vetoed it. 
You can kinda see it in this photo haha but I'm not longer wearing it. 

We finally tried Ike's sandwich shop today and I have to say it was delicious.
It was incredibly messy but the BBQ sauce was amazing! I definitely we recommend trying it to anyone who hasn't :) 
That being said I have been looking I to possibly rejoining weight watchers. At least for a few months to try and get back on track. I just don't know if I want to continue having to pay $18 a month after the initial first 3 months. 
We shall see, I feel like no matter what I do these days the scale doesn't budge because these damn ROIDS. I'm hoping in the next month when the larger dose stops dropping I will start to see some changes! 
My lunch came with a blow pop haha I haven't busted that out just yet but I'm looking forward to it! I hope it's not a gross flavor :) 

I'm counting down until my hair appointment with my friend Keara to try and do something with this hair! I feel like every time I wash it the red gets brighter! 
Blonde roots are not pretty! I have no idea what we are guna do to try and get them to blend better but anything has to be better than this! Sadly my appointment isn't until April 26! Crazy. 

Today I have done some stretches and stood for 10 minutes. I think I may need to do another round or two of 10 minutes. My quads are being a little crazy at the moment tho :) 

I hope you all have had a great week! 
I'm looking forward to this upcoming week :) 


1 comment:

Ally said...

Looks like my pill counter! :)

You may have roots showing, Dawn, but I found THREE white hairs on my head yesterday. GAH!!!