Thursday, March 13, 2014

The facts of life

Sometimes I find social networking to be annoying. No matter how many times you repeat the same Information there's always someone asking the same questions. 
I get that maybe you missed an update or two but come on. 

And some of the questions are frankly none of your business, is that rude? Perhaps! Anyone who needs to know pretty much knows. 

Anyhow back to basics! 
Today was a bit lazy for me. 
Yesterday I did 26 laps! Usually I sit down in between completing each round trip but this time I just turned around and went back. It took me a really long time to complete them all, but I did! 
Each lap is roughly 38 feet soooo 988 feet. Working my way up to that quarter mile of roughly 1320 feet. 

I'm feeling it today though! 
My legs, hips and abs Wowza!
I feel like my right leg is finally starting to get into a bit more of a normal stride. It's starting to seem less like a peg leg! 
I keep trying to force myself to lead with that leg but my brain just doesn't want to get on bored. 

Current steroid dose: 10mg/50mg 
Face currently still blown up:
I keep waiting for the day that the moonface goes away and I can feel normal again. Well as normal as one can be in my condition. 

I made some arrangements today for my move. Uhaul Ubox will be here May 28.
Shit just got real and kinda leaving me feeling stressed. 
Stress is bad for the nerves and I could really go for a drink, but the hiatus continues! 
All I have to say is that my liver better appreciate this and show me some good numbers in April! 
I thought once I started getting stuff booked I would feel better but I just Keep thinking of all the things I still have left to do! Packing is tough without full use of your legs. I need bubble wrap and boxes and able bodied person to help! 
I have the quote for my truck shipment just need to arrange it and book my flight for the 31st. Then all arrangements will be made and hopefully I will feel less stressed out! 

My hands have been extremely numb today. Not sure if it's because I am having sympathy nerve pain because my legs are so sore or because I feel extremely tired possibly from steroid withdrawal. I'm hoping that tomorrow they feel better. That way I can do my band/weight exercises and hoping I won't be too sore for my PT on the treadmill Friday. 
I'm kinda tired of doing the treadmill if I'm being honest. It takes forever to get into that harness then I get like a total of 6 minutes of quality walking in and then I'm done. I guess it's easier for them to measure progress with the speed and such on the treadmill but I wish I could just walk the halls. Is that weird? Possibly.
I know they are just trying to help get me back where I need to be but I feel like I would benefit from more sessions then once every couple weeks. It's hard though when you don't drive. 
I'm hoping once I get to Michigan and get settled in I can find a new PT place and doctor and neuro. Ugh once I find new medical insurance that is. 

Also feeling stressed about some stuff that's not my place to talk about but just keeping some friends in my thoughts as I'm worried about them <3

Bah well just writing this made me feel more stressed which wasn't my intention. To bad I didn't have some of these body relaxing edibles I keep hearing about. 
Okay I think I must close my eyes now. 


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