Saturday, January 25, 2014


My brain has been consumed for days with the thought of a Taco Bell chili cheese burrito with sour cream. 
Someone mentioned it on Facebook and I seriously been obsessed with it. 
Why does the brain do that? Usually when this happens I end up being quite disappointed when I actually do eat it! 
If only Taco Bell delivered we would be in! 

I've been having an off few days with my legs. They are a bit more sore than I would like to admit but I keep telling myself sore is a good thing.
I just wish some of my sensory would return and that my hands wouldn't feel like crab claws! I don't think that is too much to ask. 
Put on my ugly sandals today and was actually able to walk in them. I haven't worn anything besides crocs or uggs since all of this happened back in June. So the fact like I was able to walk in them makes me happy! 
My ankles are very ugly so please don't focus in on them! 

Last night and this afternoon I worked on beautifying my walker. I have been so bored with it's ugly appearance for awhile now. I wanted it to feel more like an accessory than a necessity. It may be a bit loud now but at least I feel like it's more me! I also ordered a new set of wheels for this walker and accidentally ordered the wrong ones. They are larger and seem to glide across the carpet a bit better but I have to manuever a bit more to get through the doorways. Toast is very thrilled with my walker that or she may be waiting for me to take food out of my drawer for her haha. 
Here's my new beauty! 
The walker bag I ordered off etsy, I like that it easily attachs and has 4 pockets to be able to carry items back and forth which until now I had to ask Andrew to help me with. (Or whoever was around) 

I however think between typing yesterday and using scissors to cut tape my hands are angry. Have you ever tried to use scissors when all your fingers are numb? So so clumsy! I did manage to get it done but I have to say that the scissors started to get pretty gummy from the duct tape. It was a lot of work trying to line up the bat patterns which I didn't think about when I ordered that tape but I think it looks good! It's not perfect but I like it, now let's hope the tape glows in the dark like they claimed! 
(I just totally used my phone flash light to charge it and asked Andrew to turn off the lights) 
Total success! I feel like a child but it makes me giggle and that makes me happy so you will all just have to deal with it. :) 

So totally off topic my friend told me the other day that she had to iron her hoody zippers so she didn't have zipper boners. 
Now I have never in my life heard of zipper boners being ironed. Why I never thought of this I don't know but I found it extremely hilarious and informative lol 
Does anyone else do this? 

Spent most of my day snuggling with this guy 
Andrew went to the movies so we had a revenge marathon. While the acting is kinda cheesy I am liking it. I can see how everyone refers to it as a guilty pleasure though! Ahem hellooooooo Jack Porter! 

Today is the first day in forever that I haven't had any stomach issues. I had originally thought maybe it was from the fiber in my "flat out" wraps but I had one today without issue. Maybe the probiotics are finally kicking in! That would be amazing if that's the case. 
I've been taking the hemp oil daily as well and haven't noticed really any difference in my symptoms. So perhaps that's just something that doesn't work for me. I'm ok with that at least I tried right? 

Today was day 5 of my 2nd round of antibiotics. I am feeling better but still kind of have a headache. I'm hoping this sinus infection is really gone now though so I can have blood work next Friday without the plague weighing me down. 
I'm hoping they can find a vein this time! It always leaves a hideous bruise when they get in there and dig around. I always feel like I will be out and people will think I'm a druggie. 
Can you imagine ? Medical professionals have a hard time finding my veins, I would never be able to find my own vein. 
I just hate the stares I get from people. 
I mean I have no idea what they are thinking and I know I shouldn't care but sometimes I do. 

I wonder if their whispers are about me being over weight, in a wheelchair or because my arm is bandaged. Maybe they are staring at my tattoos or my hair color. I guess there is a lot going on that would cause for staring but some of which makes me uncomfortable. 

I'd give anything just to be able to walk hand in hand with my boyfriend! I miss that so much. 

I really am hoping that if I keep working hard that for my birthday this year I can do something fun like Disneyland!
Currently I'm not strong enough and don't want to deal with the plane issues and the shower situation. Seems everything now needs to be overly planned, this coming from an over planner! 149 days until my 33rd birthday so here's hoping! 

Ok time to get off my blog and do something social. 


Ally said...

Hang in there, hon!

Denna said...

Good idea of keeping a blog, kinda like a diary but we dont have to sneak in your room to read it lol. Good job and keep up the good work.