Sunday, November 17, 2013

Almost a week

So it's about that time again!
I know you are all thrilled beyond words to be diving into my thrilling life and affairs .

So where to start:
Tuesday went on my weekly date with the Besties, nephew and this time his friend. We went to rams horn to see the magic man. Thank goodness it was a new one who was less carny like and more magic man haha. I probably drank far too much decaf coffee but I love it so much from there. Afterwards Leah and I went to Dairy Queen in the 29 degree weather for a pumpkin pie blizzard. While it was freezing it was absolutely delicious! 

However this evening started my stomachs war on me. 
I'm not sure if any of you have ever taken steroids on a long term basis but they tend to piss off my stomach to no end. Between that and the buckets of sweat that pour off my head I'm a mess. 
So between shitting my brains out and sweating to death I'm feeling real sexy. (Like sexy was even an option with this moon face ) 

Wednesday I went with my dad up to dragonmead. Jeff stopped in for a few beers and then tony and Karl met up with us as well. Was nice to share some laughs and catch up a bit with everyone since it's been awhile since I saw either of them. Somehow I talked my dad into taking me to Taco Bell on the way home since I have been craving it for weeks and why I thought this was a good idea is beyond me since my stomach already hated me. 

Thursday felt like ass from the moment that I woke up. I blame the Taco Bell and the craft beer but mostly I blame the steroids. Downed some cold medicine like it was my job and tried to make it through the day. Was supposed to go over to Leah's house but I figured by the time she came and got me etc we would only have about an hour at her house before she would have to drive me home again. So to save gas and preserve time she stopped by and we hung out for a bit and ate some bagel dip. 

Friday night was full of sweating again I was rocking short shorts and a tank top and still felt on fire. I feel like I am back where I was months ago with my steroids . I'm not sure if it's because of the dosage of my days is now so different 60/25 or what but I was literally looking like I was chilling on the beach in Florida in 90 degree weather.
Ordered dinner in with the family, Jets deli boat! Delicious it had been years since I last had one and it was just as good as I remembered. Jeff and Tony came by for awhile and I ordered a new phone because my old one started to get wonky on me. Stood up at my walker and was able to let go and balance for a minute on my own which I was very pleased with even if it was only a minute! No small victories for this girl. 

Saturday I woke up relatively early for me at 10am. Got myself up and showered before my parents got home from vivios which I was impressed with. Knees were feeling very weak and strange. Visited with aunt carol and uncle terry for a bit before they left. Checked out dad's new hat he got downtown. Pretty fancy pants but not the $400 beaver pelt fancy.

Dad took me to go pick up my new phone and getting into the car I felt very stiff and awkward. The people at best buy while friendly were not all  that great at hooking my phone up. The girl told me I was all set and I went to leave and noticed I had no service. So we ended up there for an hour and a half which I didn't really plan on being there that long.
Hung out with mom, dad and Jeff for a bit before heading over to aunt Carol's house. Now in my mind I kept telling myself it was going to be a piece of cake to get into their house because the front porch only really has 2 steps and neither are that big. 
At first I tried to get in the garage. Mom said that if we could get grandpa through there we could get me through there, but the hall was a bit too narrow for my walker. So we decided to try the front porch which I thought in my head was going to be easy.

Well when I stood up to do the first step I could already tell my legs were not really happy with me. But I managed to make it up the first step. Although my left leg was doing something weird and I couldn't tell if it was on the ground or not. So I decided to butt bump in the remaining step and then up a few stairs and stand up again. And finally I'm in the house! 
Hung out for a bit and had some appetizers and drinks while we waited for our reservations at Da Francesan (I think that's what it was called).
Managed to use the bathroom even though it involved doing some side stepping which is definitely not my favorite.
Dad and Jeff bumped my wheel chair out of the house so in that aspect things were quite easier. 
Arrived at the place right around our reservation time. It was very packed and the place seemed pretty small. We had 9 people and were assured it would just be a few more minutes. 
I had to use the restroom and the obstacle in this place was actually getting through all the tables. Coco tried to push me and got caught on the rug and gave up lol so mom got me through the crowd.
 45 minutes goes by and we start to contemplate going elsewhere. And complain to the front of house who didn't seem to give a shit until we complain to the owner then somehow miraculously we had a table within 5 minutes! The service from that point on was great. The food was actually amazing! I haven't had Italian food that good in a long long time. It definitely ended up being worth the wait. 
Went back to the house and played some sequence on teams and it was a lot of fun! I was on a team with Bryan and mom and we won twice :) 
We ended up heading home after that.
My legs were swollen for some reason. Ankles huge as well as my knees and calves. I'm not sure if it was from sitting in my chair so long or what, but mom had me ice my ankles for a little while and then I promptly passed out because I was exhausted. 

So that brings us to today!
Woke up and was feeling pretty shitty. This damn virus that I have seems to never want to go away. Every time I think it's gone it comes back to bite me in the ass! So I wake up, do all my leg exercises and slam some cold medicine. 
I notice a creepy mark on my stomach and call my mom in to evaluate.

Guess it's a bruise from a Wylie scratch but it freaked me the fuck out especially the blue line inside it eww! 
I still am having stomach issues to the point I want to cry because my bum hurts so bad. I hang out with my mom for awhile and watch Harry potter and then I get a hot flash if you will and feel like I'm dying again. I lay in the room with the window open hoping I can cool down enough to manage the rest of the day. 
The storm rolled in and the breeze felt nice. The lightning was pretty to watch but I was worried about Leah driving home from Ohio! 

Currently knees are swollen and my feet tingly. Hands are tingly/fat feeling and pinkys painful. Watching the walking dead with dad and hoping tomorrow will be a better leg day! Resistance band orange is really kicking my ass! 

Also got a new baby snuggler in the mail from Andrew
Franken wedgehead is the name he came with :) 

Well that about sums it up for this weeks update. 
Looking forward to a new week and hopefully some growth with my leg muscles! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very enjoyable and caused me to smile. I will read more tomorrow.